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All Tapped Out

All Tapped Out

Heres a fun, exciting, and cha

  • 类型:策略
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 内购:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Dean Greabell
  • 更新时间:2024-02-12 01:51:47

Here's a fun, exciting, and challenging game the whole family will love! All Tapped Out will give you hours of enjoyment. Look at the main colored shape to the right of the \"Tap this:\" label and then try to tap the matching colored shapes below. Do it quickly because those shapes are going to change. The faster you tap the matching shapes, the more points you score and the better chance you have of beating each level. Levels become increasingly difficult as there are typically more taps required and less time to tap. The status bar shows you how many taps are needed in the time remaining. Bonus time and bonus points buttons appear randomly throughout each level. They don't count toward your total taps but they will boost your score and give you more time to finish. Every fifth level is a challenge level where the images change more quickly and the object is simply to click as many as you can! Earn bonus points if you click enough! Challenge your family! Challenge your friends! See who can stay at the top of the leaderboard. Keep those thumbs tapping away until you are All Tapped Out! Download it now. You will be playing in seconds!

Updated GMA SDK

相关TAG: 娱乐 游戏 策略


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